Beauty of pair programming

Chandrapurnima Bhatnagar
2 min readJul 12, 2021

I joined a small-scale company that apparently follows a startup culture and is a fan of best practices. After I had worked in a large-scale service-based company for almost 3 years. I was newly introduced to such concepts of writing tests before you write actual business logic and follow many certain best practices.

In my previous organization, where I was trained to work alone, I had the mindset of getting things done all by myself wherein the newer one promoted pair programming. I always thought that I work best alone.

These are few key things pair programming taught me which I was missing out on previously.

Help each other grow

You always get to learn a few things when two people are putting their minds into a single problem. Be it a small shortcut on VS code or complex logic implementation.

Pair with a good peer.

Pairing with a good peer who welcomes your inputs and comes to an understanding of giving a shot to your suggestion. Pair programming does not really is what we call it is unless peers need your thoughts around a problem.

Honest retrospect

Having an honest retrospect is everything. Take chances to control the keyboard. Retrospect how you could have taken more out of the pairing session

Breaks the knowledge silos

It indeed breaks the knowledge silos. Helps maintain and carry the quality of deliverables and reduces risks of delivery.

Best practices while you code.

You are blessed if you get to pair with a peer who is a fan of best practices. Following best practices saves us from a lot of chaos we might get into in the future.

Observation is a key

Aksing questions on pairing sessions is appreciable, however, a peer should always observe the style of coding, way of working of other peers. This is such a small thing to mention but I did learn lot of googling tips from my peers.

Cheers ! 🥂
Happy Learning !! ✌️

